
10 Best Indoor House Plants And Trees | Perfect Houseplant

"Bring Nature Indoors with These Top Picks for Lush, Healthy Greens"

Make your home a green oasis with the top 10 indoor house plants and trees. These include the easy-care ZZ plant and snake plant, and the bright pothos and fiddle-leaf fig. They can grow well in many lights and help clean the air and reduce stress1. Find out how to take care of these plants and their benefits for your home.

Indoor Plants
Indoor House Plants

Key Takeaways

  • Discover the top 10 indoor house plants and trees to enhance your home’s ambiance
  • Learn about the lighting, watering, and fertilization requirements for different types of indoor plants
  • Explore the air-purifying and mood-boosting benefits of houseplants
  • Find the perfect low-maintenance, medium-light, and bright-light indoor plants for your space
  • Understand the average prices and care needs for a variety of indoor plant options


Adding indoor plants to your home or office can change its look. You don’t need to be a pro at gardening to keep houseplants alive. This guide will show you the top 10 indoor plants and trees. It covers their care, benefits, and how to pick the right ones for your space2.

Research says indoor plants make places feel calmer and more peaceful3. Most indoor plants do well in a temperature of 65°F to 75°F during the day and cooler at night2. They love bright, indirect sunlight or artificial light for 8 hours a day. But, direct sunlight can hurt them2.

For houseplants, use a fertilizer mix of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in a 1-2-1 ratio. This means 5-10-5 or 10-20-102. It’s bad to overwater or underwater your plants. Check the soil often, especially for plants in clay pots that need more water2.

indoor plants
Indoor House Plants

Don’t use native soil for your potted plants. Choose a special soil mix made for containers instead2. Trimming plants and removing dead leaves helps them look better and stay healthy2. For houseplants from tropical places, misting them with water is key2.

Learning about the care and benefits of indoor plants lets you make a space that’s full of life and beauty4.

Low-Light Indoor Plants

For spaces with little natural light, like rooms with only north windows, there are plants that do well. The ZZ plant and the snake plant are great for these spots. They can live in many lighting conditions5.

ZZ Plant

The ZZ plant is perfect for low-light spots. It needs water only sometimes and can handle different lights. It can grow big, up to 2-4 feet tall and wide, and likes partial to full shade5.

Snake Plant

The snake plant, or “mother-in-law’s tongue,” is also tough and great for low light. It’s almost impossible to kill and cleans the air. It can get quite tall, up to 6 inches to 12 feet, in partial shade5.

low light plants
Indoor House Plants

“The ZZ plant and snake plant are two of the most reliable and low-maintenance options for indoor spaces with limited natural light.”

There are more low-light plants that do well indoors. The Sweetheart Vine, Variegated Spider Plant Reverse, Peace Lily, and Janet Craig Dragon Plant are good choices. Each has its own needs for light and care6.

When picking and taking care of low-light plants, make sure the soil drains well. Don’t overwater and keep an eye on the humidity. Pruning, controlling pests, and cleaning regularly also help them do well6.

Medium-Light Indoor Plants

Rooms with some sunlight, like those near east-facing windows, are perfect for medium-light plants7. The pothos is great, with its bright leaves and ability to clean the air7. It’s easy to take care of and can grow up or trail, adding beauty to any room7.


The pothos, or “devil’s ivy,” is great for medium-light spots7. It has vines and heart-shaped leaves that do well in many lights7. Plus, it cleans the air by taking out bad stuff, making your home healthier7.

Prices for these plants range from $6.99 to $39.998. Most cost between $9.99 and $29.998. Sometimes, you might find them for $12.99, $17.99, or $39.99, but usually, they’re in the $9.99 to $29.99 range8.

Pothos plant

There are many medium-light plants to choose from, like Dracaena Lisa and the Braided Money Tree7. You can also find Snake Plant, Silver Evergreen, Philodendron, and Calathea, each with its own look and benefits7. These plants add beauty and clean the air, making your home better7.

Whether you love plants or are just starting, adding a pothos or other medium-light plant is a good idea7. They’re easy to care for and fit well in many places, bringing beauty and clean air78.

Bright-Light Indoor Plants

For windows that get lots of sunlight, bright-light indoor plants do great. The fiddle-leaf fig is a great choice9. It brings a touch of the tropics to any room. But, it needs special care, like staying away from drafts and checking the soil often10.

Fiddle-Leaf Fig

The fiddle-leaf fig is a top pick for bright spots in the house. It can grow up to 10 feet tall inside10. Its leaves look like a fiddle and love bright sunlight.

This plant is a bit tricky to care for. It needs the right water, temperature, and humidity. But, its beautiful look and lush leaves make it worth it9.

Plant Light Requirements Watering Unique Features
Fiddle-Leaf Fig Full sun Moderate, well-draining soil Large, distinctive leaves; dramatic growth habit

“The fiddle-leaf fig is a statement piece that instantly adds a touch of the tropics to any room.”

Indoor Plants

Adding indoor plants to your home or office has many benefits. They improve air quality and make you feel better. You can pick from easy-care succulents or lush plants like the peace lily11.

Some indoor plants clean the air, like the Boston Fern and Peace Lily11. Being around plants can make you less stressed, happier, and more productive11. Lively Root helps you find the right houseplants for your space11.

Most indoor plants like bright, indirect light11. Some, like the ZZ plant, can handle low light11. Place them near windows for the best sunlight11.

How often to water indoor plants depends on the type11. Some like their soil dry, others like it moist11.

Keeping the right humidity is key for indoor plants11. Most need 30% to 60% humidity, with some needing extra misting11. Feed them once a year in spring, or more if needed11.

Think about your lighting and care when picking indoor plants11. The ZZ plant is great for low-light rooms11. Clean and prune your plants to keep them healthy and looking good11.

indoor plants

Adding different indoor plants makes your space look great and feel calm11. Whether you know a lot about plants or are just starting, there’s one for you11.

Caring for Indoor Plants

Keeping your indoor plants healthy takes careful attention. You need to know how to water and light them right.


Too much water can hurt your plants, making leaves wilt or turn yellow or black12. Don’t water until the top 1 to 2 inches of soil feel dry12. But, not watering enough can also be bad, causing leaves to fall off and plants to grow slow12.

Watch your plants and water when the soil feels a bit dry. This keeps them healthy12.

If roots come out of the pot, it’s time to move your plant to a bigger pot12. Feeding your plants with a little bit of food helps them grow strong12. How often you water depends on the type of plant and the pot it’s in12.


Plants need light to make their own food through photosynthesis13. Some plants do well in dim light, while others love bright sunlight13.

Plants that like a lot of light should be near a south-facing window13. Plants that need less light can go in east or west windows, or be a bit farther from bright windows13. Plants that like very little light do well near north windows or under indoor lights13.

Choosing the right soil is key for keeping moisture levels right and helping plants grow12. Good potting soil holds water well and helps your plants stay healthy12.

indoor plant care

Keeping your plants clean by removing dead leaves and flowers helps them stay healthy12. Moving plants to a bigger pot every year or so can also help them grow12.

Benefits of Indoor Plants

Indoor plants make your space look nice and are good for you14. Plants like the peace lily and spider plant clean the air by taking out bad stuff14. They also make you feel calm and happy14. Studies say having plants makes you work better and think clearer14.

Plants do more than just clean the air15. They add moisture to the air, making it comfy15. They also help you feel less stressed and anxious15. Being around plants can help you focus better and work more efficiently15.

Indoor plants are good for your body and mind15. They keep you awake and alert all day15. They can even help you heal faster if you get hurt15. They catch dust and allergens, making the air cleaner15.


“Horticultural therapy has been shown to increase feelings of well-being among individuals with conditions like depression, anxiety, and dementia.”14

But, make sure to check if plants are safe for your family and pets14. Some plants, like aloe vera, can be harmful to kids and pets14. You also need to watch out for pests and keep an eye on allergies or asthma14.

Knowing the good and bad about indoor plants helps you make a healthy home1415.

Indoor Plant Varieties

When picking indoor plants for your home or office, you’ll find many types to choose from. Each has its own look and care needs. You might like the lush fiddle-leaf fig16 or the tough snake plant16. Other great choices include the philodendron, pothos16, peace lily, Chinese evergreen, and monstera.

Think about how much sunlight your space gets and what each plant needs. Mixing plants for different light levels can make a beautiful indoor garden. This brings nature inside your home or office.

Plant Variety Size Pricing
Fiddle-Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata) 10 feet tall x 2 to 3 feet wide16 $98 on The Sill17
Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata) 12 to 36 inches tall x 6 to 36 inches wide16 74% discount on The Sill17
Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum) 1 to 2 feet tall x 1 to 3 feet wide16 $35 on Amazon17
Pothos (Epipremnum sp.) Up to 20 feet long x 3 to 6 feet wide16 $20 on Amazon17
ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) 3 to 5 feet tall x 2 to 3 feet wide16 21% discount at The Sill17

Think about size, care, and price when picking indoor plants. You can find the perfect plants for your space and budget. Whether you want a bold monstera or a pretty peace lily, there are many options.

“Bringing nature indoors through houseplants can have a profoundly positive impact on both our physical and mental well-being.”


Adding the best indoor plants and trees to your home or office changes the feel and brings many benefits. These plants clean the air, help reduce stress, and make you feel better. They can really improve your health and happiness18.

There are plants for everyone, from easy-care ones like the ZZ plant and snake plant to eye-catching ones like the fiddle-leaf fig. Pick the right plants for your space and care level. This way, you can have a beautiful indoor garden that feels like nature19. Taking care of plants can also make you feel less stressed and happier19.

Choosing top-quality indoor plants makes your space look better and helps you stay healthy and productive20. Having 15 to 18 houseplants in a big house can make the air cleaner. A building with over 1,200 plants for 300 workers had fewer health problems like eye issues and breathing troubles20. By bringing nature inside, you can make a peaceful place that helps you feel good and do your best.


What are the best indoor plants to enhance my home’s ambiance?

Great indoor plants include the ZZ plant, snake plant, pothos, and fiddle-leaf fig. They do well in different lights and clean the air. They also help reduce stress.

How can I care for indoor plants effectively?

To care for indoor plants, don’t overwater them. Let the soil dry out a bit before watering again. Put them in the right light for their needs.

Think about how much water and light your plants need. This helps them stay healthy and thrive.

What are the benefits of incorporating indoor plants into my living or work space?

Indoor plants make you feel better in many ways. They clean the air by removing bad stuff. They also make you less stressed and happier.

They help you work better and think clearer too.

What are some popular indoor plant varieties to choose from?

Popular indoor plants are the philodendron, pothos, peace lily, Chinese evergreen, and monstera. Each plant is special with its own look and care needs.

You can pick plants that fit your style and how much time you can spend on them.

Source Links

  1. 24 Best Indoor Plants – Find Your Perfect Houseplant – Garden Design
  2. Introduction to Houseplants | Extension | University of Nevada, Reno
  3. How to Introduce Plants to Your Home – JESSICA ELIZABETH INTERIORS
  4. Growing Indoor Plants with Success
  5. 35 Low-Light Indoor Plants for Your Home
  6. Low Light Indoor Plants Best for House & Office
  7. Indoor Plants for Medium Light Spaces by Léon & George
  8. Medium Light Plants
  9. 30 Indoor Plants that Love Full Sun
  10. Window Plants: 14 Indoor Plants for Bright Light – Garden Design
  11. Indoor House Plants And Trees For Sale
  12. How to Grow and Take Care of Indoor Plants
  13. Top Ten Plant Care Tips for Houseplants & Indoor Plants – The Sill
  14. 7 Science-Backed Benefits of Indoor Plants
  15. Top 10 Benefits of Indoor Plants, Health, Wellness, and More
  16. 27 Common Houseplants That Are Popular for Good Reason
  17. These Hard-to-Kill Houseplants Are Great for Beginners
  18. Effects of Indoor Plants on Human Functions: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analyses
  19. Health benefits of indoor plants
  20. Plants and Indoor Air Quality

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